ITS News - May 2024


The debate over banning TikTok involves complex issues surrounding national security, data privacy, and the influence of foreign ownership, with proponents of a ban citing risks of data sharing with the Chinese government and potential harms to young users from addictive content. On the other hand, arguments against banning emphasize the importance of preserving a platform that promotes creativity and expression, warning that a ban could curb social and economic opportunities and potentially lead to governmental overreach, affecting other digital services. Instead of bans, enhanced regulation and transparent data protection measures are advocated to address security concerns without stifling the platform’s benefits and global reach.

Off the Rails

Is the information you are consuming "CRAAP"?
Here's an acryonym you can use to check the validation of any article. 

  • Currency: Check the timeliness of the information.

  • Relevance: Determine if the information is relevant to your needs.

  • Authority: Assess the credibility of the author or source.

  • Accuracy: Verify the truthfulness and correctness of the content.

  • Purpose: Understand the purpose of the information (to inform, persuade, entertain, etc.).

Whats New at ITS

Throughout the month, IT Services will be transitioning to a new Credit Card processing company. We expect this to be seamless but we wanted to let you know just in case there were issues.